Saturday, October 29, 2011







Kejadiaan kebakaran Berlaku Di Jalan SK 9/6, Seri Kembangan pada 25-10-2011 pukul 5.15pm. Dato Yap Pian Hon, Penyelaras kawasan Parlimen Serdang dan Raymond Chin Toong Kang, Pengerusi Persatuan Penduduk Kg Seri Kembangan sampai ke tempat kejadian pada 5.45pm untuk meninjau dan bersimpati kepada mangsa kebakaran.

Penyerahan Wang bantuan RM 6,000.00 daripada Pejabat Pembangunan Persekutuan Negeri Selangor, ICU-JPM Shah Alam telah diadakan pada 28.10.2011 pukul 12 tengahari di tapak kebakaran yang disampaikan oleh Dato ‘ Yap Pian Hon dan disaksikan oleh Raymond Chin Toong Kang,

Thursday, October 27, 2011






Program lontaran mesra telah diadakan diPusat Bowling Mines Resort, Seri Kembangan pada 26.10.2011 yang diresmikan oleh Dato' Hj. Mohd. Fathil bin Hj. Daud, Ketua UMNO Bahagian Serdang.

Dato' Yap Pian Hon, Ketua, Pusat Perkhidmatan Dan Penyelarasan Kawasan Parlimen Serdang, Sdr. Raymond Chin Tong Kang, Ketua, Pusat Perkhidmatan MCA Seri Kembangan dan Datuk Dr. Lai Kwong Choy, Naib Pengerusi MCA Bahagian Serdang/Pengerusi MCA Taming Jaya terus hadir.

Ketua-ketua UMNO Cawangan Seri Kembangan dan Balakong menyertai program ini.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy Deepavali !!!

kepada Komuniti Beragama Hindu:

"Selamat Hari Deepavali. "

Daripada :

Dato' Yap Pian Hon
Ketua Pusat Perkhidmatan Dan Penyelarasan Kawasan Parlimen Serdang.

Monday, October 24, 2011








Wednesday, October 19, 2011

叶炳汉移交义款予万年花园灾黎 Bantuan Kewangan Disampaikan kepada Mangsa Kebakaran Di Taman Murni, Cheras.



住屋受焚居民梁少秋,黎佩珍,曾志和,冯宗明及租户为沙巴人及巫裔人士从拿督叶炳汉接领每户RM1,100.00及租户RM 550.00并由马华沙登区会副主席拿督黎广才医生,马华万年花园支会主席黄培中,居民协会主席林奕焕等见证。



Sumbangan bantuan wang dari Pejabat Pembangunan Persekutuan Negeri Selangor, Unit Penyelarasan Pelaksanaan, Jabatan Perdana Menteri (ICU-JPM) telah disampaikan oleh Dato’ Yap Pian Hon, Penyelaras Kawasan Parlimen Serdang kepada empat keluarga dan dua penyewa mangsa kebakaran di Jalan 18, Taman Murni, Cheras akibat dijilat api pada awal pagi 16-10-2011.

Sumbangan berkenaan telah disaksikan oleh Dato’ Dr Lai Kwong Choy, Naib Ketua MCA Bahagian Serdang, En. Ng Poay Thong, Pengerusi MCA Taman Murni dan Encik Chris Lim, Pengerusi Persatuan Penduduk Taman Murni, Cheras.

Sumbangan bantuan wang sebanyak RM 1,100.00 kepada setiap keluarga mangsa ianya Leong Siew Chow, Lai Pay Chin, Phong Chun Kong dan Chan Chee Hon dan juga dua penyewa, Arone Bin Daunih dan Mohamad Zamri Bin Wahab yang menerima bantuan RM 550.00 setiapnya dengan tujuan bagi meringankan beban mereka yang menunjukkan tanda prihatin daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan.

Terawal dahulu, Dato’ Yap Pian Hon, Dato’ Dr. Lai Kwong Choy dan pemimpin-pemimpin MCA Taman Murni telah melawat dan meninjau keadaan kebakaran selepas kejadian kebakaran berlaku dan terus mendermakan bantuan wang RM 500.00 kepada setiap mangsa dan RM 300.00 kepada setiap penyewa bagi mengatasi keperluan kecemasan.


Monday, October 17, 2011









他也是马来西亚华人残障协会会务顾问,他致词中说 :



“当时作为行政议员,全面协助下获得批准位于蒲种八哩一段四点四英亩土地给予华人残障协会而只需付还十零吉地价及RM 3,223.00的地税发出99年呀兰。”





Tuesday, October 11, 2011

乌冷教局推行识字精算课程,助孩子克服学习障碍!!Kem Linus









Dato’ Yap Pian Hon, Penyelaras Kawasan Parlimen Serdang berkata Kementerian Pelajaran telah Memperkenalkan Program Literasi Dan Numerasi (LINUS) yang diharapkan agar setiap kanak-kanak yang tidak mempunyai masalah pembelajaran berupaya menguasai kemahiran asas Literasi Dan Numerasi selepas mengikuti 3 tahun pendidikan rendah.

“Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara menuju negara maju namun mendukacita, masih terdapat anak-anak kita yang masih belum celik huruf dan belum celik angka, Buktinya seramai 136 orang murid Tahun 2 daripada seluruh Daerah Hulu Langat adalah murid LINUS Tegar iaitu yang tidak menguasai Konstruk 1 dan 2.”

“Menyedari hakikat ini, pihak Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah Hulu Langat dengan kerjasama semua warga Pendidik Daerah Hulu Langat buat julung-julung kalinya mengadakan Kem LINUS yang berfokus khusus untuk murid LINUS Tegar”

Dato’ Yap berkata demikian ketika merasmikan Kem LINUS anjuran Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah Hulu Langat di SK Jalan 3, Bandar Baru Bangi. Yang turut hadir ianya En Mohamad Radzi Bin Abdullah Timbalan PPT Hulu Langat, Wakil Kementerian Pelajaran, Jabatan Pelajaran Selangor dan Pegawai Kanan PEMANDU .

“Kem LUNUS turut melibatkan ibu bapa dan guru-guru LINUS dengan perkongsian ilmu dari pakar-pakar yang mampu memberikan pendedahan kepada ibu bapa untuk membantu anak-anak mereka dalam pembelajaran ”

Dato’ Yap berkata, dengan harapan apabila 3 tahun program ini dilaksanakan, murid akan dapat membaca dan membina ayat mudah dan menguasai kemahiran asas dalam matematik kecuali murid yang keperluan khas.”

Beliau berkata, apabila diadakan kem seperti ini, ianya dapat mengurangkan bilangan murid LINUS Tegar menjelang 2012, Apabila seseorang murid celik angka dan celik huruf ia memberi kesan yang amat besar dalam kehidupan murid itu. Dengan pendidikanlah seseorang itu dapat merubah nasib sesebuah keluaga. Oleh Itu, semua pihak perlu berganding bahu dan saling bekerjasama di antara sama lain bagi memastikan kejayaan anak kita. Masyarakat yang berilmu dapat merubah masa depan sesebuah negara.





“10亿令吉的特别基金可以提升学校基设,尤其是华小和淡小一般比较陈旧,但更重要的 是,政府应尽早让我们知道这笔钱是如何分配及如何申请。”

他也说,虽然捐款给学校的公司和个人也可获得所得税减免的措施,将可鼓励更多人以个人或者公司名义捐款给学校,但是政府必须明白,公众的捐款是绝不可能取代政府的拨 款,政府也不可以此为理由,而减少或者不拨款给国民型中学和独中。

无论如何,他说,明年度的预算案中全国所有小学和中学(一年级到中五生)将获得100 令吉的就学津贴;本地政府与私人高教院校的我国学生和中六学生,将获得价值200令吉的书籍券;及撤销全国中小学杂费,即学校课外活动费用丶考试费丶运动费用和保费(俗 称杂费--小学为24令吉50仙丶中学生为33令吉50仙);是正面及让人感到雀跃的。

他说,明年是大马政府历史上第一遭撤销学杂费。“直接给津贴及免除每年逾百令吉的杂费,是直接帮助到低收入家庭减轻负担,这项政策 是直接让人民感受到政府的用心。”

他指出,政府提供有关津贴及免除杂费,对许多家庭有很大的帮助,如果拥有4个孩子 就可省下逾千令吉的负担,这是一笔不小的数额,政府能够在百货高涨下,体恤低收入的 家庭,是值得全民继续给予支持。


Thursday, October 6, 2011









Monday, October 3, 2011

Selangor Umno warned against arrogance

It cannot win the state alone, says BN information chief Yap Pian Hon.

Teoh El Sen September 30, 2011 Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno is wrong in thinking that it can recapture Selangor for Barisan Nasional without MCA’s help, according to Yap Pian Hon, who is BN’s information chief for the state.

He warned Umno against underestimating MCA’s influence among Chinese voters, adding that no single BN component party could “go it alone” in the coming general election.

“Sometimes people talk big,” he said in response to reports quoting Umno sources saying MCA was rapidly losing Chinese support. “What is being said may be merely a perception.”

However, referring to reports that Selangor Umno was seeking to take over seats traditionally associated with MCA, he said they were “mere speculation”.

“The seat counts remain unchanged at the moment,” he told FMT. Out of the 56 state seats, 35 are for Umno to contest, 14 for MCA, four for Gerakan and three for MIC.

Yap called for “more unity” within BN, adding that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak “wants more politeness and for leaders to respect one another”.

He said the current political landscape did not allow for petty internal struggles. “In this day and age, we cannot have leaders with arrogant attitudes. That must be done away with. We cannot be shouting at each other to solve problems.”

Yap admitted that the Chinese community regarded MCA as weak, that it is afraid to go against Umno.

“They call MCA the running dog of Umno, that we are always begging Umno to be a component party,” he said.

“Our side has never had the chance to rebut this. We’ve actually achieved a lot through consultation with Umno – for example, getting Tunku Abdul Rahman College built to help the Chinese community get higher education.”

Yap, who is also publicity chief for MCA Selangor, also admitted that it would be an “uphill battle” for BN to retake Selangor in the coming election, adding that much would depend on the work of grassroots leaders.

He said the fight would be even tougher if BN went to the polls without MCA in a state where Chinese voters account for a substantial portion of the electorate.

The Chinese make up about 34% of voters in Selangor. Malays account for 49% and Indians about 14%.

“MCA has been here for 60 over years,” he said, “and I can tell you that if you don’t have the support of the people, you can close shop.

“We need leaders who turun padang, talk and listen to the people. BN leaders can’t take things for granted, as many did in 2008.”

Yap, who was once detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA), said that the government’s move to repeal the law would win some Chinese support.

“We want to change, to be a more open society. It’s now up to Najib to run the show.”

He lamented that BN was suffering from a “confidence crisis”, with people thinking that the promises of reform were “all bullshit”.

“Before this, there’s been a lot of promises unkept. But Najib knows that he must gain the confidence of the people. What you promise you must deliver. When you commit to something, you must have action.”

Surprise appointment

Najib’s appointment of Yap as the Selangor BN information chief in February came as a surprise to some.

Yap said he too was surprised that Najib would give the job to a Chinese politician, but added that it could be due to his experience as a hardworking grassroots leader.

“He wanted me to revise the strategy for Selangor because after our fall (in 2008), we needed to reinforce and win back the heart and minds of the people. Whether people accept our policies is most important. We can’t just talk. We must change the content of those policies.”

Yap has been in MCA for some 40 years although he was first with DAP.

The 68-year-old served six terms as the state assemblyman for Serdang and six terms as MP after Serdang became a parliamentary constituency.

He was MCA vice-president for three terms – from 1990 to 1999 – and also a former MCA Youth leader. However, Yap was dropped in the 2008 polls. MCA’s Hoh Hee Lee, who contested in Serdang, lost to newcomer Teo Nie Ching of DAP.

Yap said the problem with MCA was partly Chinese representation in the government. “We lack Chinese and Indian officers in the government and therefore these communities hardly understand the government’s transformation plans,” he said.

He said the two communities needed to be fully informed about the government policies to know they are good.

Yap seemed reluctant to reply when asked what he thought of MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek’s performance.

He said an elected leader deserved respect “whether you like him or not.”

He lamented that MCA was continuing with some of its “old systems”, but lauded its more vocal stance on certain issues.

“A single community facing problems should be a national problem,” he said. “We can’t say a Malay problem is more serious than an Indian or Chinese problem.”

Tough front

Commenting on Chua’s statement that some leaders in Selangor were “lazy”, Yap said it was a reminder for leaders to “keep awake and start to really work”.

“Still, some of our leaders still don’t do their work. It’s the president’s reminder to shape up. There are no shortcuts in politics.”

Pundits say Selangor will be the toughest battlefront for both BN and the Pakatan Rakyat in the coming national polls.

In the 2008 general election, Umno won 18 of the 35 seats it contested while Gerakan and MIC, contesting four and three seats respectively, failed to capture even one. MCA secured only two of the 14 state seats and one of the seven parliamentary seats it contested.

Najib, who is BN’s liaison chief for the state, has said he wanted BN to win back the most developed state in the country “at all costs”.

Selangor BN has claimed its survey showed a significant swing by Malay and Indian voters to BN although the Chinese were still taking a “wait-and-see” attitude.

"Pakatan has hoodwinked S’gor folk"

Selangor MCA publicity chief Yap Pian Hon has hit out at the state government for pursuing 'populist policies' which failed to bring developments

Teoh El Sen September 29, 2011 , Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Rakyat has successfully hoodwinked the Selangor folk with its “populist policies” which fail to address the state’s long-term development, a veteran Barisan Nasional (BN) leader claimed.

Selangor MCA publicity chief Yap Pian Hon said that if the people continued to be fooled by Pakatan’s short-term “goodies”, Selangor would eventually be a failed state.

“Since 2008 till today, we cannot see a socio-economic master plan for the state. Just because the infrastructure from BN’s time was good, Pakatan can’t claim credit for the Selangor’s developments,” he said.

“They (Pakatan) had it easy,” said Yap.

He pointed out that no big projects had been launched to further spur economic growth. “The Pakatan government just allocates some money to Tamil schools… that’s all we’ve seen,” he said.

Yap said that in the few years Pakatan has been in power, it has not been short on controversies.

“Pakatan’s controversial issues just never end. It just goes to show how divided DAP, PKR, and PAS is. They are nothing like BN. They don’t even have their own united symbol and their political ideologies are all totally different too.”

“They are together just to gain power. If just one party withdraws, then they will fall. They are not solid at all,” Yap said.

“They are not a pakatan (pact). In BN, we have differences but we are one. The opposition (parties) only quarrel with each other all the time; how can they be trusted?”

DAP will never back down from certain stands and PAS will never adapt, said Yap, citing the recent controversy over hudud, and other disagreements between DAP and PAS, particularly on issues such as the morality of staging concerts.

“Just take the church raid by Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) officers. The Selangor government has not solved it until today. No decision, just silence,” he said.

Hiding the facts

Yap also cited several new “bad” policies that the Selangor government has come up with.

“In November 2010, there was a new gazette (Development Charge Rules 2010) that sought extra charges from housing developments. Some developers were very unhappy about this as this would further burden them, and in the end burden the house buyers as well,” said Yap.

He cited another “bad policy”, which was the home ownership scheme introduced by the Selangor government in June to enable the people in the state to own homes with a flexible premium payment.

Yap said the government was trying to pull wool over the people’s eyes by saying that they could own property by merely paying RM1,000 through the scheme. “But the government purposely neglected to mention that they had to pay a much higher premium to mortgage or transfer the land,” said Yap.

He added that the guidelines (on home ownership) during BN’s time were better.

“Pakatan is hiding the facts… It is cheating the people this way. It is not a good policy for the people,” claimed Yap.

On Selangor executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah’s explanation that “the scheme is to encourage villagers to continue staying on the land, not to sell the property,” he said Pakatan’s motive was all political.

“You’re going against the laws. You’re doing things that are not benefitting the people. Why change the laws from BN’s time if they were good? All for what? You are just getting more funds for the general election,” said Yap.






“我们庙宇所主办的宗教仪式,千秋宝诞及平安宴都在安宁,和谐,欢乐,在毫无恐惧,不安心的气氛中进行,我们必须保持这项信念,让华社享有宗教自由,不受干扰。 "




马华沙登国会选区服务与咨询中心主任 拿督叶炳汉表示,联邦政府通过工程部在沙登拉也第八区边兴建天桥工程正依据程序进行,为提升史里肯邦安地区的交通系统及改善交通阻塞,预料在11月间完成。







Saturday, October 1, 2011





