Monday, June 13, 2016

GOVT should make stand clear.....

GOVT should make stand clear..... (27/5/16)… 

The government has to take a strong stand in clearing the minds of Malays that they are not anti-Islam by standing firm on the Federal Constitution........

●Protect the Federal Constitution....

A multi-racial country with an open economy like Malaysia cannot afford to alter the secular character of its Constitution to allow for the implementation of PAS' HUDUD Enactment. Since independance, this country has chosen the path of moderation..........

Zaid: Hudud covers everyone (27/5/16)….. 


联邦法院前首席大法官敦阿都哈蜜指出, 国会可在不修订联邦宪法下, 以简单多数票通过刑事法典修订案, 以落实伊刑法, 惟穆斯林与非穆斯林皆受影响......

前部長再益说, 伊刑法在大馬实施, 将影响不管来自任何宗教信的人民......

宪法専家阿兹巴里说, 政府有责任解釋伊刑法事项, 厘清非穆斯林疑虑.....他指出,若政党只是利用宗教之名來捞取政治资本,那么是我国穆斯林的不幸, 也是宗教的不幸.........

宪法専家赛沙林博士指出, 伊党主席哈迪提呈的私人法案一旦在国会通过, 将引發穆斯林和非穆斯林之间的不公平刑责对待问题, 同时衍生宪法问题.....

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